Surface Preparation:
The Armor SX5000 WB should be applied to a completely clean and dry surface. If the surface was cleaned with water or pressure washed prior to application, allow the surface to dry for at least 24 hours before sealing. While the surface may appear dry and feel dry to touch, water below the surface trapped in the pores can cause the same issues. While pressure washing the surface is typically sufficient, spot treatment may be necessary for deep or older stains. If the surface is smooth troweled, or does not easily accept water, acid etching may be required prior to applying sealer. It is always suggested to apply the Armor SX5000 WB to a test area to verify absorption, coverage, compatibility, and project suitability.
The Armor SX5000 WB is designed specifically for unsealed concrete and masonry surfaces. Do not apply this product over a surface recently sealed with a penetrating sealer, or previously sealed with a film-forming sealer or coating. The Armor SX5000 WB can be applied over surfaces treated with a Silicate sealer so long as it has been at least 7 days. It can also be re-applied to a surface previously treated with a Silane-Siloxane sealer so long as it has been a few years, and the surface is able to quickly and easily absorb water.
Application: A commercial pump sprayer is recommended to achieve the best coverage and results. Be sure the psi is no greater than 20. Use a .3-.5 GPM adjustable cone tip. Sprayer Suggestion: Armor Industrial Sprayer, ASIN B0CDXT17PD.
Apply the first coat of Armor SX5000 WB, ensuring the entire surface is evenly saturated. Wait at least 10-15 minutes, then apply the second coat. Do not flood the surface or allow puddles to form, this will result in over application and the formation of dark spots on the surface. Less porous surfaces, such as bluestone, flagstone, and slate, may only require one coat.
Substrates sealed with Armor SX5000 WB may be coated with silicone emulsion paints and many oil based paints once the surface has had 72 hours to dry. Testing is always necessary and recommended to assure proper adhesion. Adhesion may be improved if the surface is pressure washed and allowed to dry prior to application. Armor SX5000 WB is not a paint primer. Adhesion of cementitious coatings, stucco, plaster, etc., may be adversely affected. These types of substrate treatments should be installed and allowed to fully cure before applying Armor SX5000 WB. Always test to verify compatibility.
Time of Day: The temperature of the air and surface must be 55-85 degrees F during application. If freezing conditions exist prior to application, it is highly recommended that the substrate be allowed to fully thaw. Should this recommendation not be followed, the product may not yield adequate protective properties.
Once applied, the surface should be kept dry for at least 24 hours.
Clean-Up: Use warm water and soap. Dispose of containers in accordance with local and federal regulations.
Product Removal: Armor SX5000 WB penetrates deep into to the surface. Removal is not recommended.